Unigroup Thailand

Web UI 2012. 9. 25. 18:37 |

'Web UI' 카테고리의 다른 글

Soleil noir  (0) 2012.09.27
Helveticons  (0) 2012.09.27
타일방식의 웹 페이지  (1) 2012.09.27
Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자
Catalan wines
A self initiated project by toormix for the promotion of the Catalan wines.
  • Branding, graphic and communication code for a catalan wines promotion project for the domestic and international audience. A project that aims to improve the consumption and the presence of the local wines at catalan cellars and restaurants. The brand with 12 different variations (as many as wine designations of origin in Catalonia) and the synthetic graphical combine land, terroir and climate of the different D.O. through a graphical code different from the typical wine code. Within the project we worked on the brand extension for communication to the point of sale (restaurants and wineries), magazines with opinion leaders quotes about catalan wines and the different support and merchandising materials.
  • Creative concept:

    Brand concept based in the territory and climate:
  • Icon development based in different climate and territory parametres:
  • Brand construction process:
  • The brand:
  • Different brand variations in english and catalan:
  • This project was published for first time on issue 105's ICON magazine. Then we've added new pieces and redesigned some graphics.

  • Color palette:
  • Graphic concept for the applications:
    The construction is based on the geographical shape of the territory
  • Stationery:
  • Poster collection that explain the characteristics of each of Designation of Origin in Catalonia (12 posters).
  • Packaging:
    Graphic label used to easy identify catalan wines inside cellars.
  • Posters for the cellars and ads with phrases made by celebrtities and wine professionals:
  • And finally, some merchandising products:
  • This project was then presented on the Behance Portfolio Reviews in Barcelona last june'2012.
  • Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

    네이버 로고

    Identity 2012. 9. 25. 18:17 |

    Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

    KashiWasato 포트폴리오

    APPS 2012. 9. 25. 13:01 |

    URL   http://kashiwasato.com  App download  카쉬와사토의 포트폴리오 앱  

    Credits:   Art Direction: Yugo Nakamura    Design / Programming: Naoki Nishimura

    KASHIWASATO.COM for iPad from THA on Vimeo.

    'APPS' 카테고리의 다른 글

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    Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자

    The Everywhere Project

    Illust 2012. 9. 25. 13:00 |


    지역별 심볼 일러스트 제작. 다양한 스타일과 퀄리티

    'Illust' 카테고리의 다른 글

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    blancucha - 귀엽고 아기자기한 일러스트  (4) 2012.09.25
    Posted by 알 수 없는 사용자