'킥스타터'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2012.10.15 Pedale Design: Custom Playing Cards

pedaledesign이라는 디자인 스튜디오?에서 작업한 것입니다.

섬세한 라인으로 카드한벌을 디자인 했는데

소셜펀딩사이트 킥스타터에서 기부하고 카드와 티셔츠를 받을 수도 있습니다.


Pedale Design: Custom Playing Cards

Over the past few months, Tyler Deeb of Pedale Design has been work­ing on the design for a cus­tom deck of play­ing cards. He’s set up the project on Kickstarter in order to cover the print­ing costs, and he has already far sur­passed his ini­tial goal, with 24 days to go. Check out the video and images below to get a glimpse into his process and design; and head on over to Kickstarter to get your hands on one of these beau­ties for yourself.

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